Does Your Loved One Need Treatment for Sleep Apnea?

Categories: Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Treatment for OSADoes it feel like years since you last got a great night’s sleep? If so, is it because of your significant other’s unusually loud snoring? While you might joke about it during the day, and be frustrated by it at night, the sad reality is that loud snoring is often a warning sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a condition that impacts far more than just one’s rest. It can also lead to a variety of medical conditions, brought about by inconsistent breathing and poor sleep. Fortunately, if your loved one is suffering from OSA, or if you, yourself, are diagnosed with the condition, your dentist might be able to provide effective and minimally invasive treatment.

Tired of Loud Snoring?

Loud snoring is one of the most common warning signs of sleep apnea, but it is not the only indicator that OSA could be an issue. Other symptoms include frequent headaches, irritability, problems concentrating, heart-related problems, including heightened risk of stroke, and even depression.

Consider Minimally Invasive Treatment

Fortunately, for patients diagnosed with OSA, dentists can often provide effective treatment. Sleep appliances are designed to help keep a patient’s soft tissues from blocking one’s airway as he or she sleeps. In doing so, they can help to provide more consistent breathing, without the need for more cumbersome treatment, like a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine.

To determine if your loved one has sleep apnea, and if so, whether a sleep appliance could provide effective treatment, schedule a consultation with your dentist as soon as possible.