We all snore sometimes. However, when the issue happens nightly, then you may want to visit your Pearland, TX, dentists. For some, chronic snoring could be a sign of a serious sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Let’s talk about when your snoring should concern you, and what we can do to help you rest easier.
The Snoring and the Sleep Apnea Link
We snore when our airways are partially obstructed as we sleep. Air is forced through when we breathe, vibrating soft tissues and creating a loud sound. For most of us, this happens occasionally and is no cause for concern. However, if you snore every night, this could mean you suffer from serious obstruction. Sleep apnea happens when the soft tissues in your throat and the rear of your mouth completely block airflow, so the person stops breathing until the brain wakes them, which prevents people from reaching the deep, uninterrupted stage of sleep. Even after someone feels like they slept the night before, they’re actually exhausted and sleep deprived. In addition to a regular snore, other warning signs could include gasping for air or choking in the night, daytime drowsiness, moodiness, trouble concentrating at work or school, headaches, and dry mouth.
Why Do I Need Treatment?
If you recognize one or more of the warning signs above, then please see us right away for a diagnosis. With a home sleep test, we can find out if you need treatment. Remember, treating sleep apnea is crucial because lack of proper rest can strain your immune system, often leaving you sick more frequently. The disorder also strains the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. You may also be more likely to develop depression or fall asleep behind the wheel.
A Personalized Sleep Solution
We may treat OSA with a personalized sleep solution. We will take detailed impressions and measurements of your smile, which we use to create a custom-made oral appliance. Worn a night, the device actually repositions the jaw, moving it forward to prevent the collapse of soft tissue and ensure uninterrupted breathing. You stop snoring and avoid other symptoms of sleep apnea. If you have any questions about identifying and treating OSA, or if you think you need a consultation, then please contact our team. Don’t let poor rest have a negative impact on your daily life, talk to our team today.
Let’s Help You Sleep Better
We want to make sure you obtain the deep, productive rest needed to stay alert during the day. For more information on how we stop snoring and sleep apnea, please call Houston Sleep Solutions in Spring, TX, at (281) 320-2000, or in Pearland, TX, at (832) 564-3508.