How To Diagnose Sleep Apnea From Home

Categories: Sleep Apnea

If you exhibit the warning signs of sleep apnea and find yourself frequently exhausted during the day, then you may need treatment. Instead of undergoing a diagnosis in an uncomfortable lab setting, we offer our Spring and Pearland, TX, patients a precise and accurate diagnosis from home. Find out more about our at-home sleep test in today’s blog.

When Should You Seek a Diagnosis?

Since sleep anea is a disorder that occurs as we sleep, how do we know if we need treatment? People should watch for the common warning signs, many of which occur in waking hours. For example, dry mouth in the mornings, moodiness and difficulty concentrating during the day, frequent exhaustion even though you think you slept the night before, these are all common warning signs. Also, loud, chronic snoring and waking up suddenly in the night choking or struggling to breath could indicate a disorder that requires treatment. Don’t ignore these common warning signs, talk to our team today about our sleep test and possible treatment options.

The At-Home Sleep Test

How do we diagnose a patient? First, we send them home with a small device. The machine will measure your blood-oxygen levels and take note of any apneic episodes that occur during the night. When you return the device to us, we will assess the results. From there, we will decide if you need treatment. With this option, we obtain more accurate and detailed results without subjecting you to trying to rest in a lab setting.

Possible Personalized Sleep Solutions

If the test uncovers the presence of OSA, what then? To treat the problem, we will offer a personalized sleep solution. The sleep device will look like a mouthguard and will be worn as you rest. The device repositions the jaw to prevent the collapse of soft tissues, ensuring you breathe easily throughout the night. Patients enjoy better sleep, a reduction in OSA-related symptoms, and avoid the long-term complications of sleep apnea, which often include high blood pressure, depression, stroke, and heart attack. We can also discuss changes to your sleep habits, such as maintaining a regular schedule (going to bed and waking at the same times daily), avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, keeping your bedroom dark and cool, and reducing screen time right before going to bed. Don’t let your disorder impact your quality of life, talk to our team about a diagnosis and our possible treatment options.

Do You Need A Diagnosis?

We want to help you sleep better, so if you have trouble resting at night let us know. To learn more about our at-home sleep test, call Houston Sleep Solutions in Spring, TX, at (281) 320-2000, or in Pearland, TX, at (832) 564-3508.