What Are the Warning Signs of OSA?

Categories: Sleep Apnea

Warning Signs of OSAHas it been months since you were able to enjoy a full night’s rest? Lack of sleep can lead to a variety of problems, such as difficulties concentrating, irritability, and even depression. Over time, poor sleep can also lead to physical side effects, such as increased blood pressure and greater risk of heart disease, obesity and other medical conditions. Fortunately, for people who are diagnosed with sleep disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea, it is possible to treat the OSA, often quickly and with minimally invasive treatment. So, if you are concerned that you could be struggling with OSA, it is time to talk with your dentist about how treatment could help.

Snoring Is Just One Symptom of a Sleeping Disorder

While loud snoring is one of the most commonly known symptoms of OSA, it is hardly the only warning sign that you or someone you love could be suffering from OSA. Frequent headaches, particularly in the morning, daytime drowsiness or general fatigue, irritability and depression are other common symptoms of OSA.

Treatment Can Help Improve Your Rest, and Your Health

For many patients, minimally invasive treatment, like a sleep appliance, could help treat their OSA. In fact, the appliance used to treat OSA is similar to a mouthguard used for athletic events. Only a sleep appliance, like a SomnoDent Sleep Solution, is designed to help keep the patient’s jaw in an open and comfortable position, so that air can flow freely throughout the night, making for more consistent breathing and better, sounder sleep.

About Your Spring, TX, Sleep Experts:

At Stephens and Gatewood Dentistry, located in Spring, TX, we proudly deliver modern, quality dental care in a welcoming, comfortable environment to patients and families throughout the community. We also offer customized, expert sleep solutions to help you alleviate snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. Though we are located in Spring, we also welcome patients from Houston, The Woodlands, Tomball, Cypress, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation with one of our experts, call Stephens and Gatewood Dentistry today at 281-320-2000. Se Habla Espanol!